Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Part 2- Biblical Allusions: Exodus 1-4, 20

Exodus 1-4, 20  Biblical Allusion  Source: Exodus

  • Pharaoh's daughter raises an abandoned child named Moses
  • Moses knows that he is Hebrew and ends up killing an Egyptian who beats up an Israelite
  • Begins a new life as a shephard
  • God is concerned with the suffering of the Israelites and speaks to Moses
  • Moses goes back to help the Israelites and goes to the Pharaoh and turns his staff into a snake
  • God responds by inflicting ten plagues on Egypt
  • God creates the ten commandments and Israelites renew commitment to God
Commentary: This allusion has to deal with trust and hope. Moses never gives up hope on God, and each task that God throws at him he comes back stronger. An example of this has to deal with The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Katniss deals with every challenge that is thrown at her and she comes out stronger because her nation trusts her.

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