Monday, September 1, 2014

Part 2-Mythological Allusions: Achilles

Achilles                Mythological Allusion               Source: Edith Hamilton's Mythology

  • Famous Greek myth regarding hidden weaknesses
  • Born to a mortal father and nymph mother
  • Quite the popular guy (bravest, handsome, and powerful warrior)
  • Dipped into the River Styx, which made him invincible, except for his heel
  • Father received an oracle prior to Achilles going to war, that he would die fighting in battle
  • Achilles dominated in war; ravaging and rummaging every city, without a scratch
  • Died due to vulnerable heel by Paris' arrow
Commentary: This myth has been used time and time again. The main concept of this myth has to do with the old saying "you're only as strong as your weakest link". Achilles is portrayed as this strong impenetrable figure whose demise is caused by a small insignificant detail. This is closely paralleled by Of Mice and Men. Lenny is portrayed as this strong muscular man, but his demise is caused by an insignificant fetish for touching and liking soft things.

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