Monday, September 1, 2014

Part 2- Mythological Allusions: Hercules

Hercules       Mythological Allusion      Source: Edith Hamilton's Mythology

  • Known as the strongest of the Demigods
  • Hera became very jealous of Hercules so she developed impossible tasks to challenge and ultimately kill him
  • Hercules needed to complete the 12 labors to gain his immortality
  • Completes all of the 12 labors with ease, and lives up to his potential
Commentary: The main concept of this myth deals with perseverance and not giving up to prove a point to people. This concept is shared in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. In that book, Atticus Finch stands up for what is right and proves a point to people that just because of the color of someone's skin is different doesn't mean that they ultimately commit the crime, that is where Hercules and Atticus share parallels.

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