Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Part 2- Mythological Allusions: Theseus

Theseus   Mythological Allusion  Source: Edith Hamilton's Mythology

  • Known as Athen's great hero
  • Not only was he strong and courageous he was intelligent
  • King Minos created the Minotaur and Theseus was going to kill the Minotaur because he didn't want more children to die
  • Theseus made it his goal to kill the Minotaur
  • Before killing the Minotaur, Princess Ariadne wrote a note to Theseus that gives him some tips
  • Ariadne gave Theseus a sword and ball of string to find his way through the maze
  • He tied the string to the door to find his way back and he slayed the Minotaur
Commentary: The concept of this myth is that intelligence and wit prevails through every challenge that comes along the way. An example of this concept comes from the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Harry Potter had his name thrown into the Goblet of Fire during the Tricup Wizard Tournament even though he is not old enough. In the end though, despite him being younger, his wit and intelligence allows him to prevail.

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