Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Part 2- Mythological Allusions: Perseus

Perseus   Mythological Allusion  Source: Edith Hamilton's Mythology

  • Born to Danae and Zeus
  • King Polydectes falls in love with Danae and has a plan to get rid of Perseus
  • Polydectes convinces Perseus to slay Medusa
  • Hermes lends his knowledge to Perseus saying that his sword with guide him
  • Athena gives Perseus her shield and tells him to look at Medusa through this
  • He slays Medusa successfully and on his way back falls in love with Andromeda
  • Kills Polydectes with Medusa's head
Commentary: This myth deals with looking fear in the face and conquering it to get what we want. The book that deals with facing fear head on would be The Hunger Games. Katniss has to come to terms with facing fear in the arena, she has to kill kids her own age for the survival of herself to make sure she makes it home successfully.

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