Monday, September 1, 2014

Part 2- Mythological Allusions: Odysseus and the Trojan Horse

Odysseus and the Trojan Horse     Mythological Allusion    Source: Edith Hamilton's Mythology

  • A war is going on between the Trojans and the Greeks
  • The city of Troy was protected by a wall
  • Odysseus was a part of the Greek side, and came up with an idea to build a gift for the Trojans
  • Odysseus constructed a Trojan Horse, inside the Trojan Horse he plans to hide his men for a surprise attack on the Trojans
  • Odysseus wheels the Horse inside the city and the Greeks win with a surprise attack
Commentary: This myth deals with the success that comes with playing off of other peoples weaknesses. The best example of this would have to be The Hunger Games, in the book Katniss and Peeta channel their strengths so that their strengths are other peoples weaknesses. By doing this, they can surprise and catch their opponents off guard and ultimately survive another day.

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